Jason Sattler, writing for FrameLab, gets so close to jumping on the POSSE train in suggesting that campaigns deprioritize X in order to sap its power and influence:
Go “Twitter Last." Campaigns from Harris for President on down should clarify that they will post to Twitter only after updating other platforms. Steering the media away from Twitter helps democracy. Announcing you will make news elsewhere will send reporters and users to these other platforms, as will every announcement the media makes that says, “As the campaign noted on BlueSky…” etc. Political strategist Murshed Zaheed calls this going “Twitter Last.” A huge announcement – like naming a vice presidential nominee – would be a great time to try this strategy.
I know news outlets don’t feel like they can leave X, but this seems like a good strategy to ween themselves off. But instead of pointing to other social networks as where the news breaks, I suggest campaigns post to their own websites first and then share the link.
(Via Jason Kottke)