I love release notes that make me chuckle. 🤭

A Strava app update prompt shows an orange icon and describes the new ‘dark mode’ feature, encouraging users to switch for eye comfort. Text reads: “Strava: Run, Bike, Hike Today It’s been 84 years, but dark mode is finally here. Switch your Strava app to a dark color scheme and embrace the dark side. Your eyeballs will thank you.

If this whole gross spectrum of behavior seems familiar to you, it’s probably because AI shares a certain DNA with crypto, NFTs, and the blockchain in that they are all trendy, usually touted by people you wouldn’t want to be stuck in an elevator with and, in a weird coincidence, all happen to drive up both Nvidia’s stock price and worldwide temperature averages. The Macalope doesn’t consider himself someone prone to conspiracy theories, but he would not be surprised to find out years from now that Nvidia has been running a powerful psychological ops campaign that dreams up technologies that require its boards to run and then convince venture capital firms to invest in them.

Great writing. 🤣

🔗 AI is a mess and Apple is here to clean it up // The Macalope // macworld.com

📺 Finished watching: Sugar (2024) on Apple TV+

Goodness, Colin Farrell nailed his role here. Enthralling from start to end. And the twists kept things interesting. Great addition to the ATV+ lineup, and I’m hoping for a second season.

Half-drunk now. AMA 😉

I’d recognize that corner radius anywhere. IYKYK

A person with glasses sits facing forward, leaning on a table with a water bottle nearby, in a room with purple lighting. An arrow points to a laptop beside them.

Where do you fall on the spectrum from Over-sharing to Under-sharing? For me, the amount I want share seems to depend entirely on (1) How comfy I feel in my current “situation”, and (2) If I’m in that sweet spot of buzzed-but-not-quite-drunk-yet. Guess which ones I’m at now.

I’m a sucker for any live performer who includes “Valerie” in their set list. 👌

Here’s an AI glasses idea for the future: Live lyrics for live music performances

🆕📝 7 Things This Week [#146]

20 miles, 2 peaks, 15 hours, much wetness, happy heart. 😁 (Sad feet. 😭) 🥾

A serene mountain lake is surrounded by dense forests, with fog settling over the tree-covered slopes under an overcast sky.

I’m feeling like it’s a “lose yourself in fun, upbeat music” sort of night. Send your best recommendations! 🎵

Woof. Lots of news happening. Might need to take a couple days off the internet and check back in when tempers have subsided. Haven’t felt that need in, well, about four years. Folks are (understandably) riled up, but it’s bumming me out. Good luck out there.

Do I know anyone who’s a Notion magician and wants to drop some knowledge? I’ve been trying all afternoon to put together some databases that link to each other so I can (1) Keep properties and notes on local mountains, and (2) Log each time I climb one with additional properties. It’s thwarting me.

I love this distinction.

I’ve often said in this space that although convenience and accessibility are the closest cousins, they are not one and the same. Everyone loves convenience, whether identifying as a disabled person or not, but accessibility is the difference between agency and autonomy and dependency and the lack of control. That’s why accessibility exists: be it digital or tangible, accessibility is a declaration of independence in a society decidedly undesigned for people with disabilities everywhere.

No, Apple, please do this! My Vision Pro spends plenty of time sitting plugged in and unused. This is exactly what I want it to do with that otherwise wasted time and power.

It takes about 15 seconds to spatialize a photo, so it’s unlikely that Apple will ever ask the Vision Pro to churn in the background through every single photo in your library, but I’ve yet to see a photo that failed to become more interesting after being converted.

This is what I love about the web — you can build what you want, what you want to use, maintain it (or not), have fun with it, throw something out as a novelty or dig deep and keep adding to it. There's underlying infrastructure — that's hard to avoid — but the tools are there and you can build whatever you'd like. It doesn't have to be a blog — it can be — and that can take whatever shape you want it to.

Build what you want and have fun doing it.

Having a front row seat to @gruber@mastodon.social’s live The Talk Show with the Theater app on Vision Pro is pretty fantastic. After just a few minutes, it’s easy to forget that I’m across the country on my couch. It’s very cool!

Front row view of three men sitting on stage.

I know nothing about chip or server arctitecture, but it would be pretty sweet if Apple is actually using all the chips that didn’t meet standards for selling in a product yet are totally fine if used in aggregate for their own server farms. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

@kevin @reppep @gruber @atpfm Could be where all the really binned M2 chips have gone!

I’m very into all the new ways to launch shortcuts coming in iOS 18! I’ll definitely be swapping out the camera launcher too. And I’m thinking about a full page of shortcuts in control center, accessible anywhere with a long swipe.

With iOS 18 you can replace the flashlight and camera Lock Screen buttons with a Shortcut!

I’ve kept my Action Button as a “skip forward 3 minutes” for listening to podcasts, but will def replace the camera with a Shortcuts menu. I typically swipe for camera anyway.

New thread with little bits I find in Apple’s new OSes. 🧵

Micro.blog’s timeline officially can’t keep up with Apple keynote days. I like to watch the event, and then go back and read the hot takes and jokes later, but I can only scroll back so far (not very far) before ‘Show More’ isn’t an option. Not even the RSS feed seems able to hang. 😞 cc: @help

Oh boy, we’re hardly out of follow-up, and @connected@relayfm.social is already way off the rails. 😂 Gonna be a great one! 🎙️

Happy DubDub day! I’ve got the day off (🥳) and will watch and spew out unasked for opinions about all the announcements! I’ll do my best to keep them in this thread, and (if I remember) add the #WWDC hashtag so you can mute if you’re uninterested. But I encourage you to embrace the optimism! 😁 🧵

A neon-outline apple logo glows against a dark background, above the text “WWDC24."

🆕📝 7 Things This Week [#145]

Serving up hot and fresh links!

“You’re On Your Own, Kid” has really been speaking to me lately. Midnights has historically not been a favorite of mine, but I’m giving it another shot.
