@matt I’ve had it on full time for years without issue. I appreciate the extra layer of privacy and worry less about the random WiFi networks I join from time to time.

@superdavey Is it?? I saw the trailer and was not particularly enticed. But I’ve heard it’s scoring well.

@jsonbecker I can’t wait to watch this! Obligatory Marvel question: Is there anything that’s important to have watched before this movie?

@jarrod I got a lot done today despite the temptation! It just wasn't the one big thing that I really should have been working on. Workrastination got me again. 🤷‍♂️

@jarrod If everything is working for you, you can simply go to the Setup Stuff and change the 'Text' action that defines the model variable to gpt-4o and skip reinstalling the shortcut.

@overcastfm Do the download settings sync across devices, or are they device-specific? I don’t need shows to download to my iPad, but I’m unclear if changing everything to “manual” there will screw up my iPhone’s settings. Thanks!

@Mtt Congrats! This looks really nice. (Heads up, several Tiny Theme references remain in the Sumo site’s pages.)

@humdrum Aren’t they great? 🤭

@alexandra It’s so good

@manton Thanks for sharing

@jsonbecker Yeah, you definitely get it. 🫂

@hotdogsladies You sure have lived a life. 👍

@hotdogsladies Whoa! Very cool!

@hotdogsladies For a second there, I thought you meant the TV show starring Zooey Deschanel and I was very concerned for my perception of time and how fast 20 years had passed. 😮‍💨

@crossingthethreshold 👀 Very cool! (What a thrill to see people build upon the shortcuts I’ve shared. Thanks!)

@crossingthethreshold That reminds me about the practice of criticizing a person’s actions rather than the person themself if you want them to be more receptive. For example, “That’s an unkind way to use that word, and I’d appreciate you not doing it” will probably get more traction than “You’re being ablelist.”

@ericmwalk Thanks Eric 🙏

@jsonbecker That was the catalyst for me as well.

@manton Well said! I’m curious (because I struggle with it myself) on where you land with 37signals — if you care to share. I mostly like the products, but have become increasingly uncomfortable with DHH’s (and somewhat JF’s) views. Now they write on their personal blogs (which I can and do ignore these days) instead of the company site…and yet…I wouldn’t feel great about using or recommending their products like I used to.

@jarrod Update: They totally landed it. A heart-pounder to the end, and a near-perfect show. 👏

@amerpie Just sent you an email with the version I'm using on my Mac if you want to give it a shot.

@amerpie Thanks!

@amerpie Okay, I might have to do more testing on the Mac tonight. It’s working from my phone.

@amerpie Hmm. How were you sending it input? From the clipboard, another shortcut, share sheet?

@amerpie I'm glad you wrote it. 😊