Currently reading: Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills by The Mountaineers 📚

It’s about time I got to “the bible” of climbing tombs.

📚 Finished reading: Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words by Steve Jobs 👍👍

What a uniquely remarkable person.

Finished reading: States of Adventure: STORIES ABOUT FINDING YOURSELF BY GETTING LOST by Fitz Cahall 📚

Currently reading: Alone on the Wall by Alex Honnold 📚

I’ve read this before, but am enjoying it a second time (as an audiobook this time). Honnold’s soloing and character might not be for everyone, but I appreciate his zero-bullshit demeanor and respect the hell out of his passion for climbing. If you want to know why he solos, it’s hard to beat going straight to the source.

Finished reading: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir 📚

After being in and out of loans for over a year, I finally marathoned my way through 80% of this book in the last few days. And sprinted through hours of reading today, both because the story was compelling and because my loan ended today.

I loved how imaginative this book was while still being (somewhat) rooted in reality — at least scientific constructs. I spotted many holes in the logic, but none were so glaring that they detracted from the overall story of survival, ruthless ingenuity, and friendship. And (spoiler) I appreciate a tale in which alien contact is curious and cooperative, rather than confrontational.

I recommend it!

Finished reading: Down by Andy Kirkpatrick 📚

Getting down from a mountain is often more complicated and riskier than climbing it in the first place. Andy wrote the essential book of techniques to do so safely. I learned more than a few new things, and will review it regularly to stay up to speed.

Finished reading: Rock Climbing: The AMGA Single Pitch Manual by Bob Gaines 📚

Pretty much all review concepts, but a great brush-up for my Single Pitch Instructor course this weekend. 🧗

I don’t usually have multiple books going at once, but in an effort to maximize March is Reading Month, I now have a bedside book, a downstairs book, and an iPad book. 📚

Currently reading: Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words by Steve Jobs 📚

Currently reading: Self-rescue by David J. Fasulo 📚

Currently reading: Accidents in North American Climbing 2023 by American Alpine Club 📚

Finished reading: The Narrow Road Between Desires by Patrick Rothfuss 📚

Pat’s writing envelopes my mind like a warm embrace. The prose is so unique. I really enjoyed this small story about Bast, and the ‘Author’s Note’ bit at the end nearly as much.

🔗 Buying DRM-Free Audiobooks - Flamed Fury

That’s it. Nine steps to audiobook freedom. Also, shoutout to for being cool and a not-so-friendly “sup?” to those annoying publisher restrictions. Who needs borders on stories, anyway?

Bookmarking this for later use. 📚 🎧

‼️📚 A new Kingkiller Chronicle! It’s not the ever-elusive Book 3, but it’s sure to whet the appetite. The Narrow Road Between Desires:

From dawn to midnight over the course of a single day, follow the Kingkiller Chronicle’s most charming fae as he schemes and sneaks, dancing into trouble and back out again with uncanny grace.

The Narrow Road Between Desires is Bast’s story. In it he traces the old ways of making and breaking, following his heart even when doing so goes against his better judgement.

After all, what good is caution if it keeps him from danger and delight?

Oooh! Look what just arrived! I’m in for some light reading! 📚🧗

Three books on the counter, including the American Alpine Journal 2023, the guidebook number 11, and accidents in North America climbing 2023 all from the American Alpine club

Finished reading (again): Piranesi by Susanna Clarke 📚

Just as excellent on the second read through. This is one that sits with you, like a river-smoothed stone you can’t help but continue to turn over in your pocket.

Finished reading: Indie Microblogging by Manton Reece ★★★★ 📚

Wow, @manton really did a nice job laying out the history and building blocks of the web, and how they influenced his design and passion for This book made me want to blog more. 😁

Finished reading: Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose 📚 ★★★★

I saw this movie years ago, but never read the screenplay until now. It’s a fascinating look into how a jury’s deliberation should work. I so appreciated Juror 8’s calm determination to examine the facts as they had been presented, and consider the question “Do I have reasonable doubt?” It’s hard to imagine I could stay that collected in such a situation, though I like to think I would.

The movie is going back on my to-watch list.

Currently reading: Indie Microblogging by Manton Reece 📚

Currently reading: Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose 📚

Finished reading: Cirque Du Freak #12: Sons of Destiny by Darren Shan 📚 ★★★☆ (Back to rating things with four stars, that way I can’t sit on the fence.)

Although nearly half the book was all explanation instead of action, I’m impressed with how the author pulled the pieces of the saga together. It betrays the telltale signs of a well-considered arc, which I appreciate.

Although this will likely be the last time I revisit the Cirque du Freak series, I’m glad I reread it. It was fun to sink back into the imagination of my youth. Overall, it’s got good, varied characters and a compelling story. And the Darren-Shan-as-both-author-and-protagonist schtick is a creative twist. 👏

Currently reading: Cirque Du Freak #12: Sons of Destiny by Darren Shan 📚

Finished reading: Cirque Du Freak #11: Lord of the Shadows by Darren Shan 📚 ★★★☆

I expected more out of this book, which really only boiled down to three or four pivotal scenes. And it seemed like Darren was avoiding responsibility for many of his actions, which grew tiresome. Too much of, “I wanted to do this, but this part of me wouldn’t let me do it.”

It’s saving grace was the big reveal at the end, and refusal to shy away from heinous acts in what could have ostensibly be considered a children’s book.

(By the way, I think I’m simplifying to a three star rating system.)

Finished reading: Cirque Du Freak #10: The Lake of Souls by Darren Shan 📚 ★★☆☆

So much tedium and travel. Very Lord of the Rings-esque in its (unnecessary?) detail. But a good payoff at the end!

Finished reading: Rock Climbing Anchors: A Comprehensive Guide (The Mountaineers Outdoor Experts Series) by Craig Luebben 📚 ★★★★