Squircle Spotter (via Michael Steeber via @bkfujita)

Top down view of an Apple Store with couches arranged in a rounded square shape among other tables.

🆕📝 ‘Climbing Is Inherently Dangerous’

Gravity doesn't care who you are or what you're doing — it will deck you if given the opportunity.

🆕📝 7 Things This Week [#142]

Small web shoutouts, a Siracusa fan site, Papyrus 2, an Apple Maps tip, a neat tripod, some satire, and apps! Plus No.17 of my 52 Albums Project and a hilarious mystery link.

📷 #mbApr Day 28

Gathering for totality felt like being a member of the community of Earth as much as our local town.

Two people are smiling for a selfie in a sunny park with other people relaxing on the grass, against a backdrop of buildings and trees.

🏕️ First night in a tent this year. 🧡

Inside a tent, a person views their sleeping space with a red sleeping bag, clothing, and the tent’s fabric inner walls featuring a logo shadow.

So annoyed with Apple. I’ve been hit with the account lock out since last night. But I’m on the road and it’s a huge PITA to reset all my passwords/app-specific passwords on mobile. But that means no email, full-res photos won’t download, etc. Why won’t they acknowledge it?! At least iMessage works.

📷 #mbApr Day 27

Surprise! Upon reaching the summit, we popped above the clouds and were gifted with incredible sun rays.

Skiers and snowboarders descend a snowy slope, with a bright sun above and dense clouds parting in a mountainous setting.

🆕📝 Crashing Clockwise #551: ‘Clippy Vibes’

Meta's AI Assistant, feed preferences, finding software, banning apps, favorite animals, Holodeck dreams.

📷 #mbApr Day 26

Little Pine Marten critter was SO CUTE! 😍

A rust-red and white mustelid prowls through snowy terrain near green conifer branches.

If you’ll permit me a Large Round Number Milestone, I’m pretty jazzed about my blog reaching 100k views since June of last year! I missed it turning over while I was climbing today, but I’m not sad about that—t’was a gorgeous day to be outside instead of online. Big thanks to everyone who reads! 🤯

A bar chart displaying website views over time, with two large numbers indicating ‘100,138’ views, both filtered and lifetime, on a user interface with a URL.

I don’t have much to say about the TikTok divestment/ban. I don’t use the app. However, I’d be happier if the our representatives pursued data privacy laws instead if data privacy is what they’re concerned about. But we don’t really know the core issue because it seems to have remained classified. 🙃

Instead of participating in JavaScript Naked Day, instead I experimented with adding a little bit yesterday. 👀

A multicolored, striped circle beside the text “HeyDingus by Jarrod Blundy” against a dark background with text below animating in saying “I play outside”.

📷 #mbApr Day 25

Star spine.

A small turtle with a glittery star on its shell is traversing a plain off-white surface, surrounded by indistinct office items.

🎵 I’m a day late, but happy ‘New Lauv Single Day! to those who celebrate!


I’ve struggled to see the point (beyond general accessibility) of using an AI to describe things I’m already looking at, which is the go-to demo. But then iJustine uses the Rabbit R1 to determine if it’s legal to park in a spot with a confusing sign and it’s like a world of possibilities open. 🤯

🆕📝 Apple Watch + Meta Ray-Ban Smart Glasses make the perfect running combo, and more on why I love these glasses

I suppose you could call this my review.

Humane is really dropping the ball. Not with their Pin this time, but by leaving the humane.ai domain available for just anyone to buy!

(I’m trying to be low-key about it, but I’m pretty geeked about one of my favorite sites linking to one of my blog posts.)

🆕📝 ChatGPT Makes a Good Teacher & Quizmaster

I've been using ChatGPT to answer all my questions about CSS and HTML, but then I thought to have it question me.

🔗 Airlines will soon have to pay you back if they cancel or delay your flight // Sheena Vasani // theverge.com

Airlines must pay passengers back either in cash or in the original form of payment, no matter the reason they cancel their flight. Alternatively, passengers can choose to accept travel credit, other kinds of transportation, or another flight offered by the airline.

Awesome! I just went through a refund process with an airline, and it…wasn’t fun.

🔗 How I fell in love with LEGO (members post) // Matt Birchler // birchtree.me

The final, and maybe most important point for me is that LEGO is a great chance to simply hang out with my wife and enjoy something together. My wife likes to say that her love language is “quality time” and LEGO is a great chance to do something together that we both enjoy.

Aww ☺️

📷 #mbApr Day 24

Goodbye light.

A moonrise over mountainous terrain with faint city lights in the distance under a dusky sky.

📺 Finished watching: Foundation (seasons 1 and 2) on Apple TV+

Game of Thrones meets centuries-spanning space opera. I dig it! Is it perfect? Nope. But it sure is entertaining and I’m more invested in the storylines (silly though some are) with every episode. Can’t wait to see how it evolves.

📺 Started watching: Invasion on Apple TV+

Whoa there’s a lot going on here. They’ve certainly set themselves up with a full season’s worth of questions to answer. Which, I suppose is good! Anyone else get The Leftovers vibes from the title sequence music?

📷 #mbApr Day 23


Vivid orange clouds at sunset over a calm sea with a silhouette of a boat and shoreline vegetation in a serene setting.